Seminole and Wingate's have long been one of the favorite bass fishing destinations for fishermen from all over the world. It has also been a favorite among the members of our club. The lake still is. This 35,000 acre impoundment is a big fish factory. Many tournament anglers have been disappointed when they found that their 20 - 22 pound sack and 6 pound big fish didn't even get them a check. Most big tournaments are taking 25 - 30 pounds to win these days. This is a great fishery when the bite is on. It can also be a fickle son of a gun and you never really know which lake Seminole you are going to get. There are other options as well. If the lake has been difficult you have the options of running way up the shoal infested Flint river for a sack full of Shoal Bass, just watch out for "Annin Shoal" on the way up. You can also lock through the dam and fish the Appalachicola river, which can be just as fickle as the lake. You might choose to run through Decatur lake up into Spring Creek or you could run up the Chattahoochee as far as you want. All will produce fish, even some big fish, but none can compete with the hydrilla gorillas if the lake fish are on. This months winner, Eddie Ditto, chose to stay in or near the lake. Eddie, who has been fishing Seminole for about 132 years and has been a tough competitor for all of them, used a jig to flip hydrilla and hyacinth on the top end of the Flint arm and in the flint river to catch a limit for 16.07 pounds anchored by a 4.55 pound largemouth. Second place this month goes to Marcus Ricketts who managed to catch a limit on the lake weighing in at 15.81 pounds including a 4.84 pounder as his big fish. Third place this month was earned by James Marshka who wore his partner out, making him net his 11.06 pounds. Big fish of the tournament was brought in by the new guy, Robert Harrop who weighed a 6.18 pound largemouth. Worthy of note was the third biggest fish of the tournament brought in by Ron Johnson. Ron brought in a 5.14 pound Shoal Bass which was the biggest of that particular species that many of us had ever seen. Beautiful fish Ron, and congratulations to all our top finishers. The "First out of the Money" award for the team finishing first out of the money in the boat pot goes to the team of Mike Prindle and Tommy Sadberry. The pair received their choice of STI Pupfish donated by Mike Roser at the Bass Anglers Supply Shop Thanks to Mike for the lures. Those of us that were there would like to thank the new owner / proprietor of Wingate's Lunker Lodge for showing us the way things are going to be around there. They say it takes some good horse sense to run a business and make it successful. Mr. Wingate did it well for many years. Perhaps if Mr. Smokey is real nice Mr. Jack will explain the difference between having good horse sense and being a horses behind. Nice that Faceville is just up the road!
The final results of the tournament are as follows.